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Your Position: > Stathmin 1

Stathmin 1


Target Synonym:Protein Pr22,Phosphoprotein p19,LAP18,C1orf215,STMN1,Stathmin 1,Oncoprotein 18,Leukemia-Associated Phosphoprotein P18,Stathmin 1/Oncoprotein 18,Metablastin,Prosolin,Chromosome 1 Open Reading Frame 215,Testicular Tissue Protein Li 189,Transmembrane Protein C1orf215,Phosphoprotein 19,Stathmin,PP17,PR22,Op18,Pp19,Lag,SMN,FLJ32206
Number of Launched Drugs:0
Number of Drugs in Clinical Trials:2
Lastest Research Phase:Phase 1 Clinical

제품 리스트 구매

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ST1-H5149 Human Human Stathmin 1 / STMN1 Protein, His Tag

Synonym Name



Stathmin (STMN1), a member of the stathmin family, is also known as Leukemia-associated phosphoprotein p18, Oncoprotein 18 (Op18), Phosphoprotein p19 (pp19), Protein Pr22 and pp17, which contains one SLD (stathmin-like) domain. The function of STMN1 as an important regulatory protein of microtubule dynamics has been well-characterized. Stathmin (STMN1) interacts with two molecules of dimeric ¦Á,¦Â-tubulin to form a tight ternary complex called the T2S complex.One mole of STMN1 binds to two moles of tubulin dimers through the stathmin-like domain (SLD).When STMN1 sequesters tubulin into the T2S complex, tubulin becomes non-polymerizable. Without tubulin polymerization, there is no microtubule assembly.STMN1 also promotes microtubule disassembly by acting directly on the microtubule ends.

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임상 약품 정보

Name Research Code Research Phase Company Indications Clinical Trials
pbi-shRNA STMN1 Lipoplex Phase 1 Clinical Gradalis Inc Solid tumours Details
QRL-201 QRL201 Phase 1 Clinical QurAlis Corp Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Details

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